Hours and Appointments

Clinic Hours

Phones are answered daily from 9am-1pm and 2pm-4pm, the receptionists break for lunch between 1-2, but someone will be at the front desk to check in patients who have an appointment.


A booked appointment is required to see your doctor. We do not accept patients who walk in without an appointment.

Remember that your physician is the person best-served to address your health-care needs, and you should make every effort to ensure regular follow-ups with your personal physician. If your physician is not available our other doctors may be able to cover for urgent medical issues. All doctors in our clinic will have full and complete access to your medical file.

Keep in mind that your physician always has a limited number of urgent same-day appointments available for your care. Additionally our Urgent-Care Clinic is available after hours for urgent medical issues if you have been unable to book in an urgent same-day appointment with your physician or covering physician. See further information regarding our Urgent-Care Clinic posted separately.